As Excel Consultants we make your business more efficient . . .

. . . by replacing manual Excel work with automated tools !!
Our Expertise
We deliver cost effective Excel automation for your Reports, Dashboards, Complex Spreadsheets, Add Ins, Models, Analytics, Excel Integration, and more.
We deliver services which include Excel Consulting, Excel Tutoring, Excel development, and more
We deliver solutions which are fully documented with Procedure Manuals and User Guides

We deliver new solutions or troubleshoot your current tools

Our Solutions
We eliminate manual typing of complex formulas and formatting with each weekly or monthly reporting cycle
We eliminate incorrect reports or incorrect analysis resulting from missing, bad, or erroneous data. No need to spend time looking for data quality problems
We eliminate sharing of procedures by word of mouth and tribal knowledge. Our automated solutions are fully documented with User Guides and Procedure Manuals
We eliminate the errors introduced by unnecessary manual keyboard work, copy and paste, etc.
We eliminate the problems resulting from multiple redundant files with the same data by using single version of the truth files
Our Results
Reduced labor costs by eliminating manual Excel keyboard work
More accurate, reliable, and timely reports
Easier to reconcile your reports, dashboards, and anlaytics with your data
Better insights into your business from dashboards for results, trends, exceptions, etc.
Improved data quality from built-in data quality checking and exception reports
More time for you and your staff to manage and grow your business
Improved scalability - better able to handle growth

These are typical Excel challenges . . .
- retyping the same formulas each week
- fixing data quality issues with each reporting cycle
- hard to combine downloads from multiple systems
- spending lots of time reconciling various reports
- proliferation of the same data in numerous files
- ineffective dashboards
- lack of documented procedures and User Guides
. . . which have standard solutions
- reporting tools & job aids for recurring reports
- built-in data quality to address bad or dirty data
- automate reconciliation & exception steps
- effective dashboards with automated data refresh
- workflows with "single version of the truth" files
- Add Ins & custom functions for unique requirements
- documentation for workflows and procedures
The benefits are immediate and are measured in :
- less time and energy spent on repetitive or routine Excel tasks
- more accurate and timely reports
- more effective dashboards for better business insights
- reduced costs
- better able to handle growth
- easier staff turnover from documented procedures
- more time for you and your staff to manage and grow your business
Check out our SERVICES and use the CONTACT link above to schedule a free consultation. I will get back to you within 24 hours