Our services are designed to streamline your Excel work through automation. If you spend significant time with Excel with your eyes on the screen and your hands on the keyboard, contact us. We will replace your manual work with automated tools and job aids - whether you need a dashboard, a complex spreadsheet, reports, or other Excel processing. Based on your unique requirements and your unique environment we build new automated solutions.
The solutions we deliver are well documented with workflow documents, procedure documents and User Guides.
If your current automated solution nor longer works or needs enhancements, we can troubleshoot and enhance your current Excel tools.
Sometimes an Add In or custom function is needed to eliminate frustrating manual Excel work. We develop Add Ins and custom functions to meet your specific requirements.
We are also available to consult with your Excel staff to help with functions, formulas, and other Excel features.
Excel Consulting
We work with your staff to address any questions or issues about Excel formulas, functions, or other features. Whether you need help with troubleshooting existing tools or with developing new solutions, we apply our experience to help design and develop effective dashboards, reports, and job aids and we help identify the best approach to implementing specific requirements. Our consulting services will help you avoid time consuming research and frustrating re-work. We can advise on what is possible and how to improve efficiency, performance, and analytic insights into your business.

Report / Task Automation
Why spend hours on the keyboard to prepare your reports? The steps can be automated - from the collection of source data and checking for bad or dirty data to the preparation and formatting of the final reports, exception lists, and program logs. Checking for bad, missing, or dirty data is built into the automation. So you can trust the reports and can know where data needs to be fixed. If source data does need to be fixed, re-running the reports is quick and easy. The User Guides and Procedure Documents make dealing with staff turnover also much easier. No more relying on word of mouth and "tribal knowledge".

Dashboard Design and Development
Dashboards can show trends, identify exceptions, and monitor KPIs and other performance metrics. They are a critical tool for making informed decisions and reacting to exceptions quickly. We can help identify effective metrics that provide you with actionable information. Interactive dashboards let you drill down and see your business from various perspectives. Features like automated data refresh let you spend less time managing your data and more time managing your business. With our experience we can design and build dashboards which are both effective and visually pleasing.

Complex Spreadsheets
When you need to process large quantities of data and perform complicated analysis often advanced formulas, functions, and other advanced Excel features are needed. The result is a complex spreadsheet which can be challenging to build; if the spreadsheet is not designed properly, it can also be challenging to use. The large amount of data makes it difficult to independently verify the results; it also means that performance is key. So the formulas and linkages must be efficient and thoroughly tested. Repeating the analysis with different data must be simple especially if the analysis is a weekly or monthly process or if you need to re-run the analysis with different data or different parameter values.
What you need is a well designed spreadsheet which meets your requirements and is efficient, easy to use, and well documented.
Designing, developing, and testing complex spreadsheets calls for advanced Excel skills. With our experience and proven approach we can deliver the solution which meets your needs and saves you hours of frustrating time on the Excel keyboard.

Add Ins and Custom Functions
Every business has unique requirements. And sometimes there is no simple Excel formula or function to meet your specific requirements. Commission schedules and financial models are typical examples. Often the best solution is an Add In or custom function. They are easy to develop and install and often they are the most efficient solution for requirements which are unique to your business. Ask for a demonstration during a free consultation.
Excel Troubleshooting
Sometimes an Excel tool stops working. Maybe a new version of Windows or MS Office caused issues with the existing solution. Maybe changes in the source data are causing your existing tool to stop working. Maybe your existing solution still works but the performance has become unacceptable. Maybe your requirements have changed.
We can troubleshoot or enhance your current Excel tools and implement fixes.
Call us for us for a free consultation to find out how we can troubleshoot your current solution.

Having documentation for your workflows in the form of Procedure Documents and User Guides is essential. If your procedures only exist as "tribal knowledge" and are only passed by word of mouth or sketchy notes, then dealing with staff turnover is often difficult. The documentation does not need to be elaborate or sophisticated; but having a set of documented procedures for generating a report or for using an automated tool is key to efficiency. The automation we develop is documented as workflows, procedures, User Guides and, if appropriate, with documentation for the data flow. This makes it easy for your team to follow a repeatable process. And when the inevitable staff turnover happens, the new team member does not have to rely on verbal instructions or hard to follow notes.